The merge fields you use will differ depending on where you want to merge client data. There are basically three places we merge info.
- autoresponders (emails automatically generated and sent from 1shoppingcart)
- standard web pages
- WordPress web page
Most custom merge fields are case sensitive and will depend on how you created the custom field inside 1shoppingcart. To check your custom fields, login to 1shoppingcart, click on “Contacts”, then “Custom Fields”. [ez_popup type=”image” text=”Click Here For Screenshot” thumb_url=””][/ez_popup]
Autoresponder Merge Codes
These are provided by 1shoppingcart. Use these inside autoresponders (emails), including embedded within hyperlinks. The standard contact merge fields are generally all lower case but the custom field merge codes are case sensitive and depend on how you created the custom field inside 1shop. You can easily insert these into autoresponders while editing/creating an autoresponder message inside 1shoppingcart. See this for a quick demo
Standard Contact Merge Fields
%$phone$% (corresponds to “Workphone” field)
%$secondaryphone$% (corresponds to “Homephone” field)
The following merge in your information based on what’s in your contact profile. You can delete these and type in your actual information or update the info in the “contact profile” under “My Account”. We use these when setting up your Amazing System to allow us to get things going faster. They are not necessary and can simply be deleted and replaced with whatever info you’d like there. You are only allowed one contact profile. [ez_popup type=”image” text=”Click Here For Screenshot” thumb_url=”Thumbnail image URL here…”][/ez_popup]
Custom Field Merge Fields
Note: the word “custom” is before the field name when merging custom fields inside autoresponders. These are case sensitive based on how your custom fields are labeled inside 1shoppingcart.
%$custom:field1$% (type of event)
%$custom:field2$% (date of event)
%$custom:field3$% (time of event)
%$custom:field4$% (location of event)
%$custom:field5$% (number of guests)
%$custom:field6$% (source of lead)
%$custom:field7$% (prospect’s comments)
%$custom:field8$% (total fee)
%$custom:field9$% (deposit)
%$custom:field10$% (payment made)
%$custom:field11$% (balance due)
%$custom:field12$% (child’s name)
%$custom:field13$% (child’s age)
%$custom:field14$% (gender)
%$custom:field15$% (package)
%$custom:field16$% (is easy to find)
%$custom:field17$% (directions)
%$custom:field18$% (travel fee)
Standard Webpage Merge Fields
If you’re using the master.php file to merge onto your non-WordPress webpage, these are the merge codes you’ll want to use on the page. Note that the contact fields begin with a capital letter. The custom fields are case sensitive and depend on how you created them inside 1shoppingcart. Unlike the 1shoppingcart autoresponder merge fields, your custom fields don’t use the word “custom”
Contact fields
%name% (full name)
%workphone% (primary phone)
%homephone% (secondary phone)
Custom Field Merge Fields
%field1% (type of event)
%field2% (date of event)
%field3% (time of event)
%field4% (location of event)
%field5% (number of guests)
%field6% (source of lead)
%field7% (prospect’s comments)
%field8% (total fee)
%field9% (deposit)
%field10% (payment made)
%field11% (balance due)
%field12% (child’s name)
%field13% (child’s age)
%field14% (gender)
%field15% (package)
%field16% (is easy to find)
%field17% (directions)
%field18% (travel fee)
Sample Links:
Sample link populated with dummy info (in real life, the autoresponder automatically populates the client’s data into the hyperlink for you):
Here’s a link to the raw HTML file with no merging so you can see the difference:
Link to copy and paste into autoresponder with merge fields (make sure domain is correct and path is valid as to where you uploaded the master.php file):
[sourcecode language=”plain”] /AS/master.php?l=5&Name=%$name$%&Email1=%$email$%&Workphone=%$phone$%&Company=%$company$%&Address1=%$address1$%&City=%$city$%&State=%$state$%&Zip=%$zip$%&field1=%$custom:field1$%&field2=%$custom:field2$%&field4=%$custom:field4$%&field8=%$custom:field8$% [/sourcecode]
If you’re using the Amazing System WordPress Plugin (created by the Great Scott Lesovic), these are the merge fields you use on your WordPress pages. For more info including sample swap codes, visit the AS WordPress plugin page.
Contact Fields
Note: All field names begin with a capital letter except the firstname and lastname fields.
[sourcecode language=”plain”]
[as what=”Name”]
[as what=”Email1″]
[as what=”firstname”]
[as what=”lastname”]
[as what=”Company”] (use this for schools, churches, companies, etc.)
[as what=”Workphone”]
[as what=”Homephone”]
[as what=”Address1″]
[as what=”Address2″]
[as what=”City”]
[as what=”State”]
[as what=”Zip”]
[as what=”Country”]
[as what=”Fax”]
Custom Fields
Note: these are case sensitive based on how the custom fields were created inside 1Shoppingcart. If you used
all lower case letters when you created the field, then you should use all lower case letters in the merge code.
[sourcecode language=”plain”]
[as what=”field1″]
[as what=”field2″]
[as what=”field3″]
[as what=”field4″]
[as what=”field5″]
[as what=”field6″]
[as what=”fieldx”]
So let’s say the shortcode of your custom field was “FavColor” (notice the capital F & C), then your AS WP merge field would be [as what=”FavColor”]
Custom Form
Note: this will display the form code from the Amazing System settings box that is below the page editor.
This is excellent. I had a similar file of this on my computer, but didn’t have everything here. Thanks Dave!
Thanks for your message. My pleasure Franc. Hope all is well in Scotland!
Awesome! I have some similar notes in “Evernote” that I had been compiling from tech support emails etc. but this page is more organized and complete. Keep up the good work!